Contemporary dance: body, visions and research from the sixties to nowaday
4th October – 4.30pm/7.30 – Officina degli esordi
By the teaching of Merce Cunningham comes a renewal of ideas and scenic practices crucial for the activation of that permanent workshop called “contemporary dance”.
A fluid and ever-expanding galaxy, formed by endless ways of research that define as much ideas of body and movement, including new authorial signs and trespassing.
Through various choreutic phenomena, from the Judson Dance Theater to the Tanztheater, from the Non-danse to the Fusion up to the Community, and also aware of the constant renewal of the ballet, will be presented the aesthetic developments of the last sixty years in an attempt to steal the routes of nowadays’s creativity.
Dr. Carmelo Antonio Zapparrata
Degree in Live Performing at the University of Bologna, journalist and dance critic for various publications, print and web, such as “The Republic-Bologna”, “Dance & Dance” and “Art and Arts Magazine”. Member of the study group linked to scientific journal directed by Eugenia Casini Ropa “Dance and Research” (University of Bologna), he teaches Dance History at Liceo Coreutico “Niccolini-Palli” in Livorno.