How to “interpret” and “manage” the pain during training in dance? The seminar Osteopathy and Dance aims to focus attention on the importance of proper information and understanding of the symptom “pain”, intended as the starting point to build in a dancer’s own “ethics of the dancing body.” During his training, the dancer must be guided to recognize, understand and respect the messages that ...
Improvisation on stage involves the use of conscious choices in order to create an environment in which to dance. Students will be encouraged to find their own creative thoughts, integrating body and mind, space and time. Learning to dance with a flexible mind thus we will create material for structuring solos, duets or group situations. “Dancing is perfect when a relationship of totality exists. The coming together of ...
4th October – 4.30pm/7.30 – Officina degli esordi By the teaching of Merce Cunningham comes a renewal of ideas and scenic practices crucial for the activation of that permanent workshop called “contemporary dance”. A fluid and ever-expanding galaxy, formed by endless ways of research that define as much ideas of body and movement, including new authorial signs and trespassing. Through various choreutic phenomena, from the Judson Dance ...
3/4 October – 10.30am/1.30pm – Officina degli Esordi (Bari) HSING-I system is a martial practice based on the concept of intentional movement. It is the oldest system of bare hand percussion action in the history. It is based, in fact, on the transposition of the use of the war spear in a unarmed body. Key actions are based on the physical expression of five directions of the ...
10th October – 10.30am/1.30pm – Teatro Kismet OperA from silence to the breath, from the breath to the sound. The voice is the unmediate instrument that I use to communicate with others, like the gesture, the movement. During this workshop, listening to his own voice, with space, with others, we will work on the conception of a sound gesture starting from the silence and breath. An introduction ...
11th October – 4.30pm/7.30pm – Teatro Kismet OperA (professional dancers and all levels/abilities) This is a breakdancing class for non-breakdancers. We will use contemporary techniques and approaches to access the spirit, spontaneity, and physicality of breaking. We will learn skills, a process, and have fun. There is no greater range of physical technique than that of the pathway from horizontal to vertical, and back to horizontal ...
3 / 4 October Officina degli esordi Images in the making. Images slip on the sheet, come close and move away, composing new and unpublished meanings. The fragments of a collage, sometimes, react to laws of attraction beyond our control. Images open, thus, a chance to a play and a movement, which are not opposed to a rational search between forms and colors correspondences, but decline them ...
“The sculptor and the statue. Elements of an impossible communication until the idea takes an unexpected form and the code is revealed. Operisque sui concepitamorem writes Ovid in the Metamorphoses of Pygmalion, the sculptor falls in love with his work, he indulges on his work flight until he suffer it. And the compulsion start again and again, beautiful curse and saving necessity of creating”. Factor Hill artistic Collective ...
Martial arts and dance movement: the “energy body” workshop with M° Franco Gervasio 4/5 October 2014 10.00 – 13.00 At Studio danza – Corso A. De Gasperi, 379 /e – Bari The aim of the workshop is to understand the tai chi chuan practice through movements on one’s own and its martial practice. Tai chi chuan is an example of the action or movement executed and expressed ...
Saturday 4th October 2/4pm At Studio Danza – Corso A. De Gasperi, 379/e – Bari If you fall, I’ll be there (Floor) The weight and the intention. Trace for a dance research. The meeting offers an approach to the ‘Flying Low’ technique, a technique created and developed by Master David Zambrano. This technique focuses primarily on the relationship between the dancer and the floor / ground / roots, ...
Meeting with Francesca Maria Berardi Saturday 4th October 5pm At Studio Danza – Corso A. De Gasperi, 379/e – Bari “If you know that your instrument is yourself, first of all, know your instrument, knowing that it is the same tool that dance, sing, invents words and creates feelings. But heal him like an athlete, like an acrobat, like a singer; take care of it with all your ...
Upon actuality Departing from physical tasks this class explores what it means to be fully in the present moment. Working on awareness of time and space the participants access different movement qualities and start like this to act upon actuality. The invisible becomes visible and imagination becomes reality. Simon’s work is combining movement, music and performance and is living from a high degree of spontaneity. Simon Wehrli (1983, ...
Physical dance In my dances I use my personal movement vocabulary, which has developed over the years and is still constantly changing. My style is very close to physical dance and contemporary dance. I focus for the creative work for advanced and professional dancers. You will use the imagination in tandem with the physical body, to generate new movement ideas and work fluidly in an ensemble. We will practice these ...
Photo exhibition by Tina Masellis The movement, in its essence, allows to evoke inner landscapes rich in emotions, symbols, metaphors, memories; to chase, capture and integrate changes invisible to the eye, in a continuous flow of possibilities.
Flick is a program dedicated to giving 8 young dancers from Apulia a professional performance experience with the collaboration between World Dance Movement Italy and Visioni di (p)arte – International Contemporary Dance Festival presented by QuaLiBò and Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (I.C.E. strategic program – Innovation, Culture and Creativity for a new Economy). Apulia will become the protagonist of an innovative and unique dance project. Two renowned contemporary dance choreographers ...
ASPARIZIONI An open party - theater, dance, music and contemporary art COLLECT FUNDS TO BUILD A SCHOOL LIBERTARIAN self-managed Sunday, September 15, 2013 17:30 Route between Performance 19:30 Space Bar, Banquets, Autoproduzioni 20.30 Dinner Social
5/6 October 2013 – Teatro Kismet OperA – Bari Every day something less, not one thing more: get rid of what is not essential. Bruce Lee A survey made by women is the feature of this eighth edition. Four female solos interchange on stage. Four voices, four different stories. The white and the black. 8, 4, 2. An edition that becomes narrow from necessity. Make a virtue out of necessity. ...